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How much is $1 in Haiti?

$1 US Dollar to Haitian Gourde

$1 in Haiti – Taux du jour Haïti 1 Dollar

$1 USD = 130.2419 Haitian Gourdes

(taux du jour brh dollar us)

(Based on the BRH reference rate published on: 1/25/2025)

How much is 1 US in Haitian gourde? The official U.S. Dollar to Haitian Gourde exchange rate is based on the conversion rate set by Haiti’s Central bank (Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH)). The real world currency conversion rate may differ considerably from the central bank’s published exchange rate when conducted through the informal market or other third-party financial institutions.

Haitian Gourde to Haitian Dollar Conversion

To be clear, the Haitian Dollar is not an official currency. The term simply refers to an informal exchange rate that local Haitians use whereby they divide the number of official Haitian Gourdes by a factor of (5).

Haitian Currency Conversion

For example, lets say you want to convert 1 U.S. dollar to Haitian dollars. To get to this exchange rate, we must first convert to the official Haitian Gourdes exchange rate. For simplicity, lets assume that $1 U.S. dollar converts to 113 Haitian gourdes. If you now divide the number of Haitian gourdes by a factor of (5), this gives you a conversion rate of 22.6. This 22.6 number would be considered 22.6 Haitian Dollars. To convert Haitian dollars back to Haitian gourdes, you simply multiply by a factor of (5).

Again, this is not an official exchange rate, but a conversion rate that is utilized by many Haitians in local marketplaces throughout the country. Some believe the practice dates back to several decades ago to when 1 U.S. dollar could be exchanged for 5 Haitian gourdes.

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